Amazing as it is to me, I picked this: after soooo long unconsciously sabotaging my own body with junk food I don't even really like. A change is coming?

I made the Heart Healthy Challenge Italian Style Stuffed Peppers recipe today. when it came to stuffing peppers, I used only two whole peppers cut in half(4 parts). Used half stuffing mix between four half peppers (froze remaining for future use). Baked as yummy! Leftovers for lat...
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I started taking Mounjaro on Friday. I don't have any appetite. I'm trying to still eat something but it's challenging because I want nothing. I'm not even craving things- including sweets (a good thing). So today I had a coffee protein and energy shake- very low in sugar. Later I had about 6 straw...
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Ok hi there! my name is Amy. I'm starting to poke my face in here and there on Mighty. I'm extremely motivated (finally) to get my picky self eating a few healthier options. I was raised to at least try one bite of everything. if I didn't like it, no harm no foul. I ate and liked it all. With the e...
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Sooooo. . .we grow broccoli in the winter in SoCal. I never want to waste any of the harvest. I found an easy recipe for Roasted Broccoli Stems. My husband prefers steamed florets, and cuts away any stem parts on those. His comments: " Those are really good. They could be a side all by themselves" ...
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I tried the sheet pan Hawaiian chicken today. My husband and I both thought the ratio of chicken to the other stuff was just right. the bell peppers didn't add much flavor. Has anyone tried substituting a poblano or Anaheim pepper for one of the bell peppers?
Tried the sheet pan Hawaiian chicken today. The pineapple tasted too salty, I didn't add rice to complete meal. Next time, I'll try fresh pineapple.
Have to note because they were so good - had some leftover Easy Green Beans we made following the recipe on Mighty Health - great when made fresh & maybe even better as leftovers. Made these a bunch of times - always quick easy, simple ingredients & very good!
Today's lunch: the Healthy Heart Salmon Bowl from the Mighty Health recipe file/Recipes Redo lessons. I had never had an Asian rice bowl but I gave it a go. I subbed in sugar snap peas for noori noodles, and used Stevia and coconut aminos. This was SO much more delicious than I could have anticipate...
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What can I add to quinoa to give it flavor, it's so bland?