Mighty Month: Member Stories
September is Mighty Month and National Healthy Aging Month, making it the perfect time to take a moment to celebrate the hard work our members put into improving their health. At Mighty Health, we work hard to develop a diverse community of people committed to healthier aging. We’re so proud of the efforts our members take to create more active, vibrant lives.
Today, we are profiling five of our fantastic Mighty Health members. These members want to share their journey toward better health and their top tips for healthy aging.
Darlene joined our Mighty Health family in 2020 after she lost her job due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She was initially upset but soon realized how much she enjoys her newfound time and flexible schedule. Darlene’s daughter owns a farm, and the pandemic has given her an opportunity to connect more with her daughter and her work. On a typical day, Darlene wakes up, completes a Mighty Health workout, enjoys some coffee, and then goes to the farm to work in the garden or care for the horses. It’s sometimes hard work, but it gives her a sense of purpose.
Darlene tried a number of health and fitness programs in the past, but she got frustrated because they were geared to younger people. It just didn’t fit with her lifestyle and approach to learning. She says, “What drew me to Mighty Health was very specifically the age-appropriate approach to nutrition, to exercise, and to overall wellness.”
Like many of our members, Darlene sometimes struggles with joint pain in her back, knees, and hips. Her Mighty Health coaches have helped her find workouts that increase her flexibility and strength while minimizing any pain. In fact, Darlene is so encouraged by her physical progress that she’s set a goal to climb a mountain next year!
One of Darlene’s favorite things about Mighty Health is that it offers a holistic approach to wellness. Since joining the community, she says that her entire state of mind has changed. Although the pandemic has been hard and isolating, she finds social connection through her coach, fitness instructors, and group members. This social component has made Darlene more aware of the importance of just showing up, even if it looks imperfect.
As she says, “I’ll speak for women of my generation...we tend to always have taken care of others, whether it be our children, our friends, or our family members. And I think this is probably my first time that I’m really, seriously trying to take care of myself so that I can have a lot more years, because I want to.”
Darlene, we’re so thankful to be part of your journey. We can’t wait to see pictures of you on top of that mountain!
Jetaun joined Mighty Health almost one year ago after starting a free trial of our program on a whim. She started logging her food, getting her daily steps in, and watching what other members were doing. After just a few days, Jetaun noticed that the structure of the program held her accountable in ways that her past attempts to get healthier had not. She started doing more exercise videos, participating in group chats, and joining monthly health challenges. Pretty soon, Jetaun realized that her entire approach to health had changed.
Jetaun works as a receptionist at a regional cancer center, which gives her an opportunity to see the healthcare system up close. She realized that the 15 or 20 minute appointments she schedules for the doctors she works with just don’t give patients the time they need to address their whole health. Even the best doctors don’t have time to counsel their patients about daily changes that can improve their health. That’s one thing she loves about Mighty Health: it takes a holistic approach to health. Diet, exercise, mental health, and emotional well-being are all important parts of healthy aging.
Because of her busy work schedule, Jetaun knows that it isn’t always easy to fit in time for herself. The flexibility of the Mighty Health program is one of the biggest draws for her. As she explained to us, “It’s a package deal for me. I like being able to have it on my phone. I like being able to change things if life happens. You get that individuality with it.”
As Jetaun approaches her 50th birthday, she is also reflecting on the people in her life who helped her get to where she is today. Working at a cancer center, Jetaun says “I see the cycle of life a little differently than others.” Jetaun’s grandmother died at age 103, just 12 hours apart from Jetaun’s 75-year-old aunt. While attending two funerals in a single week was emotionally tough, Jetaun felt at peace with the time she got to spend with these women who served as role models for her. She tries to take that positive energy with her wherever she goes, spreading joy to the patients she works with, her friends, and her family.
Jetaun, we’re so thankful for the positive energy you bring to our Mighty Health family. Thanks for being part of our community.
Mighty Health member Elizabeth has totally transformed her health since her journey began. Elizabeth is a landscape designer who also does forest restoration work, so she lives a very active lifestyle. In the winter of 2018, however, she stopped exercising and became less mindful of her eating habits. By early 2019, she was surprised to find that she weighed more than she ever had before and that her cholesterol and triglycerides were high. Her doctors also found a problem with one of the blood vessels in her heart, meaning she had to undergo a heart procedure. It was a tough time, and Elizabeth realized she needed to make some changes.
That’s when she met her Mighty Health coach James. Elizabeth soon realized that one of the biggest things she needed to change wasn’t her diet or exercise regimen -- it was her self awareness. She began learning more about emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and stress reduction. Elizabeth says, “that’s something that’s very important for Mighty Health clients to know. What a lot of us lack is just that understanding of ourselves.”
By starting with self-understanding, Elizabeth has gained a lot of insight about the internal processes that shape her health. “I’m a type A. I have a lot of ideas. I have enough vision for three lifetimes. I have two businesses. But I really see that the next step I need to do for myself is getting empty brain space or just downtime.” That’s what she has been working on with James. Mindfulness, sleep hygiene, and yoga are all part of Elizabeth’s plan to improve her self awareness and mental health.
Elizabeth’s insight is the perfect example of why a holistic approach to health is central to Mighty Health. For many of us, knowing what to eat or how to exercise is only one part of the process. Becoming aware of unhealthy tendencies or unhelpful ways of thinking about health is also important. Elizabeth also points to the accountability of Mighty Health as a key part of why she has been successful in modifying her cholesterol and triglycerides. “If I’m going to have to record it, I’m very honest about what I do.”
Since she started Mighty Health, Elizabeth’s husband has also made changes in his lifestyle. As she says, “We’re eating cleaner than we ever ate at Whole Foods. My husband packs his lunch: raw vegetables, hummus, maybe a can of sardines. I’m like, ‘Who is this man?’”
Elizabeth, this is something we hear from so many of our members. Their health changes reverberate through their community, inspiring others to become healthier and take a new look at their lifestyle. It’s all part of our Mighty Health mission to promote healthy aging for everyone. Thanks for letting us be part of your journey.
Juliann first tried Mighty Health because she knew she wanted to get healthier but didn’t like the gym. She had tried it before and just couldn’t get into a good routine. With Mighty Health, she thought that home workouts might be easier for her lifestyle. Plus, the cost was better than a gym membership that she didn’t use consistently. Within a couple of days, Juliann fell in love with the platform. She says, “I like that I had a list, since I’m not really disciplined sometimes.” The daily prompts from Mighty Health helped Juliann get into a routine that works for her.
Juliann is a social worker who has worked for more than 30 years at large hospitals in Texas. Her job was rewarding but also a source of stress. When she developed health problems and needed gastric bypass surgery, she knew it was time to take a break. Mighty Health has become a key way that she’s tending to her health during her time away from work.
As other Mighty Health members know, gastric bypass surgery can be an effective way to maintain a healthier body weight. However, it requires a major lifestyle change to be successful in the long term. Juliann lost a large amount of weight after the surgery but gained some of it back. Mighty Health helped her get back on track. She says, “After gastric bypass, you’re supposed to be doing a high protein diet. I was good with high protein. But I was not really aware of how much processed food that I was eating.” Tracking her food intake helped Juliann discover how excess sugar and sodium was derailing her progress.
Juliann recently decided it is time for her to return to work. As she moves into the next stage of her career, she is excited to have Mighty Health at her side. Since she feels that she lost some strength while not working, she is working on building it back up. She regularly does chair workouts, the total body workout, and joint strengthening exercises. Juliann still has pain in her knees, but her flexibility and joint health have gradually improved since she started the exercise plan. As she builds her endurance, she is feeling more powerful and ready to return to work.
Juliann, we’re wishing you the best as you return to work in health care. Your Mighty Health family is cheering you on!
For Jill, unhealthy habits slowly crept up on her. In her work running programs for family caregivers, she constantly told her clients about the importance of self care. But when it came to her own life, she realized she wasn’t practicing what she preached. Jill is a single mom of four kids. Between her family and her job, so much of her time is spent caring for others that she doesn’t always leave time and energy for herself. She joined Mighty Health in August 2020 as a way to commit to showing up for herself and her health.
Since beginning Mighty Health, Jill has noticed that her entire outlook has changed. “Mighty Health helped me change my viewpoint. This isn’t a fast race, this is a lifelong journey.” In her previous attempts to get healthier, Jill fell into a pattern of all-or-nothing thinking. She would make a less healthy choice like eating chocolate and quickly give up. Now, she has learned to practice self-compassion. As she says, “We can all go off track. The most important part is then to get right back on track.” Now, when she gets stuck in a rut, she doesn’t get discouraged or give up. Jill says her coach James challenges her to get out of the rut by adding a new vegetable or taking another small step toward better health.
Jill also loves the exercise content of Mighty Health. In fact, she found the app while searching for health programs for people over 50. With her joint issues, she simply can’t keep up with exercise programs geared toward a younger audience. That’s why the individualized health coaching has been so transformative for Jill. She cites the Mighty Health exercise videos for helping her learn tools to adapt exercises to her own physical needs. As Jill says, “They’re tools that you can carry with you for the rest of your life. What’s the rush?”
Jill has made such fantastic progress toward her health goals that she ran a 5k in June of 2021. It’s something that would have been unthinkable to her a few years ago. Now, she’s looking ahead to building her endurance and continuing the journey toward healthy aging. Congratulations, Jill!
As we celebrate Mighty Month, we want to celebrate Darlene, Jetaun, Elizabeth, Juliann, Jill, and all of our Mighty Health members. Together, we’re becoming a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant community. Congratulations on all of your progress!