
Valentine's day is here and it's time to show a little extra love to those we care about 💗. As we show love to others today, it's important to also show love to ourselves. Self-love can boost your well-being, both mentally and physically. Here are some ways you can include self-love in your daily life: 🙌Showing Gratitude It easy to get caught up in planning for the future or thinking about what you could have done differently in our past. Maintaining gratitude can keep us grounded by reminding us of what we have to feel thankful for right now. 🧘Being Mindful Mindfulness is being fully present, non-judgmental, and aware of what is going on around us. This can be a great way to connect us more with our present experiences and increase our awareness of what’s happening within us presently. 🏆Celebrating The Small Wins Sometimes we set big goals for ourselves then we beat ourselves up when we don’t achieve them. It's okay to create big goals, but it's also important to set small goals that align with our needs, wants and values. We are more likely to complete small goals and feel more motivated to complete the next small goal we set for ourselves. The small goals add up and this creates momentum for reaching our big goal. What are some ways you show self-love in your daily life?

Angela C

Valentine's day is here and it's time to show a little extra love to those we care about 💗. As we show love to others today, it's important to also show love to ourselves. Self-love can boost your well-being, both mentally and physically. Here are some ways you can include self-love in your daily life: 🙌Showing Gratitude It easy to get caught up in planning for the future or thinking about what you could have done differently in our past. Maintaining gratitude can keep us grounded by reminding us of what we have to feel thankful for right now. 🧘Being Mindful Mindfulness is being fully present, non-judgmental, and aware of what is going on around us. This can be a great way to connect us more with our present experiences and increase our awareness of what’s happening within us presently. 🏆Celebrating The Small Wins Sometimes we set big goals for ourselves then we beat ourselves up when we don’t achieve them. It's okay to create big goals, but it's also important to set small goals that align with our needs, wants and values. We are more likely to complete small goals and feel more motivated to complete the next small goal we set for ourselves. The small goals add up and this creates momentum for reaching our big goal. What are some ways you show self-love in your daily life?

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Angela C Definitely will be celebrating small wins daily moving forward! ❤️
Carolyn H Happy Vakentine's Day to all! As a form of self-love, I try not to overschedule my time. Now that I am retired, a short 15 minute rest time midday most days is one act of self-love I indulge in. Cell phone off!😁
Tee M Such a great reminder to slow down and give ourselves grace. Celebrating the small wins and living in the now are ways I can show some self love! also being ok with not always being busy, blocking time off just to be home is ok too. 💖