
HIRT question for Lindsey or coach familiar with resistance bands. I found this workout routine below for resistance bands in a CNET article. I am going to be traveling and hope to be able to do some exercise. However, I don't think I'll be able to control my schedule. I put these exercises in a video and I added music and broke it into 30 seconds exercise 30 seconds rest. I'm going to put it on my phone. My question is, what should I do for warm up and cool down exercises appropriate for the below exercises? Thank you, sincerely. HIRT workout 3 What you need: Resistance bands Complete three rounds of the following: 15 resistance band bicep curls Rest 30 seconds 15 resistance band chest presses Rest 30 seconds 15 resistance band squat-to-presses Rest 30 seconds 15 resistance band deadlifts How it works: Move through the sequence above three times. Focus on movement quality. Record your time so you can try it again in a few weeks and see how you've progressed. My plan is to do each exercise at least 15 times in 30 secs but as many as You am able in 30.

Jeanne S

HIRT question for Lindsey or coach familiar with resistance bands. I found this workout routine below for resistance bands in a CNET article. I am going to be traveling and hope to be able to do some exercise. However, I don't think I'll be able to control my schedule. I put these exercises in a video and I added music and broke it into 30 seconds exercise 30 seconds rest. I'm going to put it on my phone. My question is, what should I do for warm up and cool down exercises appropriate for the below exercises? Thank you, sincerely. HIRT workout 3 What you need: Resistance bands Complete three rounds of the following: 15 resistance band bicep curls Rest 30 seconds 15 resistance band chest presses Rest 30 seconds 15 resistance band squat-to-presses Rest 30 seconds 15 resistance band deadlifts How it works: Move through the sequence above three times. Focus on movement quality. Record your time so you can try it again in a few weeks and see how you've progressed. My plan is to do each exercise at least 15 times in 30 secs but as many as You am able in 30.

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Coach Diane L this is a fine workout Jeanne! you don't have to do all the reps or sets the first time or two. See how it feels. the other variable is the amt of resistance from the bands. they vary so you might have to experiment with different resistance bands.
Jeanne S Thank you, Diane. I am also considering slow motion, strength, training with the resistance bands, and then not doing the repetition. I'll have to play with it and see what I like better. Main point is not to hurt myself, of course. I feel strong and healthy. But I feel I'm not building enough lean muscle. That is my current goal. Still doing balance, flex, and strength.
Laura T Bands used during workouts are amazing...just don't overdo it at the beginning!