Chair Yoga for Joint Mobility and Arthritis Pain

Benefits of Chair Yoga

Chair yoga is the perfect way for seniors with arthritis or other joint mobility problems to stay active and flexible. It’s especially a practical choice for people with knee pain or hip pain. Low impact chair yoga classes are something almost anyone can do from their very own home!

Chair yoga poses help build muscle strength and flexibility without risking a fall or injury. They can also improve joint mobility and sleep quality. Here are some of our favorite beginner chair yoga exercises to help you relieve that tension!

Gentle Chair Yoga Flow for Joints

Grab a chair without wheels and sit with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Be sure to check out our chair yoga video to follow along with the exercises in this seated yoga flow.

Chin Curl

Drop your chin down towards your chest and roll your shoulders forward. Next, slide your hands down your thighs and fold your body forward. 

Toe Flexion

With your feet flat on the floor, spread your toes out. Bring your heels up so all the weight is on the balls of your feet. Squeeze your calf muscles and hold. 

Toe Flexions

Now, roll your toes up and put the weight on your heels. Lift your toes up as high as possible. 

Foot Pronation

With your foot flat on the ground, Spread your toes and then roll your feet inward. Your pinky toes should be up off the ground. Now, roll your feet in the other direction so the pinky toes are pressing against the ground and your big toes are lifted up. 

Knee Extensions

Grip the bottom of your chair for support. Lift one foot up so the leg is straight. Flex your foot like you are stamping the wall in front of you and and hold.

Ankle Rolls

With your leg still out straight, roll your foot in one direction for a few circles and then back in the other direction. 

Knee Hugs

Gently pull your knee toward your body and either hug it or grab it under the knee. 

Knee Hugs With Flexion And Extension

With the knee hugged to your body, extend your foot to be parallel with the ground. Next, flex it back up so the toes are pointing toward the ceiling. Repeat this several times, then switch to ankle rolls. 

Once you are done with the leg exercies, repeat the same group of basic chair yoga poses on the other leg. 

Eagle Arms

Hold your arms out at shoulder height with your palms toward the ceiling and open up your chest. Take a deep breath. Make sure to inhale deeply, and as you exhale slowly, pull your arms in and hug yourself. Push your shoulder blades out to stretch your upper back as you hug. 

Neck Rolls

Tilt your head towards one shoulder and slowly roll it forward until your chin is on your chest. Continue the roll backwards until your head makes a complete circle. 

Figure 4 Stretch

Bend one leg and rest your foot on the opposite knee. The leg should be at a 90-degree angle with the ground. 

Grab your ankle to help stabilize the bent leg. Now, press the other hand on the knee gently. You want to feel a stretch in your hip and inner thigh but not pain. Take a deep breath, and push a little harder on the leg as you exhale. Then, switch to repeat this chair yoga exercise on the other leg. 

Warrior Pose

Move to the edge of the chair with your left bent at 90 degrees. Grab the bottom of the chair with your hand if you need to stabilize yourself. Otherwise, stretch your arms out to a “T” shape. Stretch your right leg behind you while keeping a slight bend in the knee. 

Side Reaches

Take a forward reach by bending your body to the left with your right arm resting near your ear. Your head will be pointing left. At the same time, push your left arm toward your right or the outstretched leg. Make sure to engage your core to help stabilize your body. 

Now take a back reach by pushing your head to the other side while your left arm goes next to your ear. The right arm stretches toward the left leg. 

Return to the warrior pose and then drop your arms. Repeat this group of chair yoga poses on the other side. 

Side Twists

Twist your upper body to the right, grabbing the back of to hold the chair yoga pose if necessary. Again, you are twisting the core only. 

Place your left hand on the outside of your right thigh. You should feel a stretch in your core but not pain in your back. Hold the pose for a few seconds, then switch sides. 

Deep Side Reaches

Spread your feet out as wide as possible. Reach one hand over your side. Rest the elbow of the other arm on the thigh of your leg. Reach as deep as possible, then switch sides and repeat this chair yoga exercise. Do this a few times. 

Forward Fold

Sweep your arms up slowly over your head. Fold over in front and put your hands on the ground. Roll your body back up and roll your shoulders. Repeat this chair yoga exercise and release the tension before rolling back up.

Discover More Mighty Health Chair Yoga Classes

Find out more about our completely free Mighty Health events, including chair yoga classes, chair strength building classes, cooking demonstrations, guided meditations, and more! 

If you’re interested in a personalized nutrition and exercise plan, but sure to download the Mighty Health app and connect with your very own health coach!

Darla Ferrara

Darla Ferrara is a full-time freelance writer and author who specializes in healthcare, nutrition, and fitness. With an educational and vocational background in the sciences, Darla has spent over a decade providing useful and evidenced-based information to healthcare consumers.


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