Resistance Band Workout with Standing Arms and Abs Exercises

Low Impact Strength Training with Resistance Bands

Although resistance bands are easy to use, proper form and safety are essential. We can show you how to get the most benefit from your resistance bands in just a few minutes a day. Here are some of our favorite standing resistance band exercises for arms and abs!

Why Resistance Bands? 

Resistance bands allow you to do strength training easily, even on a tight budget. The bands cost very little but add resistance to your exercises.

Strength training becomes even more critical as you get older. Your body naturally loses muscle mass and bone density. Working out with resistance bands helps to support your bones and stimulate cell growth. That makes them denser, more stable, and less likely to fracture!

Resistance bands are the most accessible workout equipment you can own. They don’t take up a lot of space, and you can take them with you wherever you go. Finding ways to work out as you get older can be a challenge. Resistance bands are a practical choice for seniors who don’t want to spend money on a gym membership or have limited mobility! 

Resistance bands are flexible, so even seniors with a range of motion challenges can perform exercises at multiple angles to get the most benefit. The lightweight construction means you can easily lift them up and get them in place for each movement. The elasticity of resistance bands means you can change resistance levels in seconds and without lifting heavy weights. 

Best Standing Resistance Band Exercises for Arms and Abs

For this routine, you might want to wear shoes. They help keep the band under your feet. You need just one resistance band with handles. If your band doesn’t have handles, you can still use it; just be sure to have a good grip on it. 

If you have a few different resistance bands and are new to using them, you might want to pick the smallest one or the one with the least amount of resistance. If the exercise feels too easy, you can always choose a stronger one.  

We will do four exercises in three sets. Make sure to make your movements slowly and controlled. Be careful when releasing the band so it doesn’t snap and hurt you. 

Row With Tricep Kickback

Stand with one foot back. Secure the band under the forward foot, gripping it just under the handle in each hand. Your back should be straight; avoid hunching over. 

Pull up on each side until the band reaches your waist (row). Push your arms back until they are straight (tricep kickback). Return your hands to your waist and lower them back to start to complete the movement. Do ten reps of this exercise. A rep is a full movement, so when you return to start, you complete a rep. 

Side Crunch

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place the band under one foot. Hold it just under the handle with the hand on that same side. Place the other hand on your waist with your elbow pointing outward.

Bend to the side away from the band, pulling it as you move, then return to start. Do ten reps of this exercise on each side. 

The lower you grab the band, the more tension there will be. Make sure to stand straight and avoid bending forward or back. 

Lateral Raise With Bicep Curl

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place the band under one foot with a handle in each hand. It you want more resistance, you can place the band under both feet for this exercise.

Raise your hands up to shoulder height, no higher, to work those muscles (lateral raise). Next, lower your hands back to start and bend your elbows up toward your body (bicep curl). Do ten reps of the full movement. 

Wood Chop

Place the band under one foot and grip it with both hands just under the handles. Pull the band on the opposite side of the leg you are using to hold the band. So if the band is under your right foot, you pull it to the left. 

Pull the band to the side up to shoulder height and then return to start. Make sure to tighten and stabilize your core as you move. Pull your belly button in as if trying to touch your spine. Do ten reps on each side. 


Do these four exercises in three sets, but take a short break between each and stretch. Make sure you stretch after your workout to relieve sore and tense muscles!

More Low Impact At Home Workouts with Mighty Health

Find more great, low impact exercise routines at Mighty Health! We specialize in nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle guidance for those 50 or older. Sign up for one of our programs and work one-on-one with your own personal health coach. Find out more at Mighty Health!

Darla Ferrara

Darla Ferrara is a full-time freelance writer and author who specializes in healthcare, nutrition, and fitness. With an educational and vocational background in the sciences, Darla has spent over a decade providing useful and evidenced-based information to healthcare consumers.


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