Quick Chair Exercises to Work Your Arms At Home

Benefits of Chair Exercises Over 50

Strength training is critical to a healthy lifestyle, especially if you are over 50. Nature has a use-it-or-lose-it policy when it comes to muscle mass. The older you are, the faster it goes, too. 

The good news is that strength training can help you preserve muscle and manage your weight! The stronger you are, the more you can do everyday things like play with the dog or work in the garden.

Muscles also support your joints. You strain your joints more easily when you don’t have that muscle and that can severely affect your mobility over time. 

Not everyone can or wants to stand up while they exercise, though, and that’s okay. There are chair exercises that can help you stay fit!

Best Quick Chair Exercises to Sculpt Arms

Here are some of our favorite seated exercises you can do from any chair to work your arms. For these chair exercises, you’ll need a sturdy chair, preferably one with no arms. You also need a set of weights. Choose a lighter weight that works for you, such as one to three pounds. If you don’t have weights, you can do the exercises without them. Keep each movement controlled with your arms close to your body. 

How to Do This Simple Seated Workout  

This workout focuses on three groups of muscle:

  • Biceps

  • Shoulders 

  • Tricep

The structure includes four sets with two unique sets. In other words, the first and second sets have different exercises, but the third repeats the first, and the fourth repeats the second. For set one and two, you do eight reps. For sets three and four, you do ten. This allows you to get used to the workout in the first set. 

Sets One and Three

Eccentric Curls

Eccentric means you move slowly on the down stroke. For eccentric curls, grab a light weight in each hand. Hold it in front of you to the side with your palms facing upward. 

Press the weights all the way up as you bend your elbow. When the weights touch your shoulders, slowly lower them back to start. Remember, this exercise requires slow movement on the down stroke, so go as slowly as possible when moving the weights back to the starting position. Keep your elbows pressed next to your body. If you have a hard time going slow, try counting to five as you lower the weights. 

Shoulder press

Hold your arms up in a goalpost position. Your palms should face forward, and the weights should be about ear height. Your elbows point out to the side. 

Press the weight up over your head until your arms are straight, and then return to start. 

Tricep kickback

Turn slightly to the side in your chair. Lean a little forward and hold a weight in the hand facing outward. Your arm should be bent, and the weight held near your body. Press the weight back behind you until your arm is straight and return to start. Do this exercise for the required reps on each side. 


Do a seated march as an active recovery to rest before the next set. 

Sets Two and Four

Concentric Curls

Concentric curls are the same as eccentric ones, but you go slow on the upstroke. Hold a weight in each hand. Slowly press the weights all the way up as you bend your elbow. The weight should touch your shoulders. 

Lower the weights to start. Remember, this exercise requires slow movement on the upstroke, so go as slowly as possible as you lift the weight up. 

Upright rows

Hold your hands down in front near your thighs. Your palms are facing down. Pull your hands up so your elbows bend to the side until the weights reach collarbone height. Then, lower your hands back to start. Keep the weight close to your body as you move and you should feel the burn on the top of your shoulders. 

Skull crushers

Lift the weights over your head, keeping your arms close to your ears. Lower the weights behind your head as far as possible, then return to start. It’s okay to let the weights touch as you lower them down.


Do a seated march as an active recovery to rest before the next set. 

Find More Health Resources for Those 50+ through Mighty Health

Mighty Health is your resource for nutrition and exercise advice! We are here to help you feel your best and to support those over the age of 50. We offer recipes, nutrition guidance, and exercise routines that are individualized just for you! Join our plan and get one-on-one guidance from your personal health coach. Find out more by visiting our Mighty Health website today

Darla Ferrara

Darla Ferrara is a full-time freelance writer and author who specializes in healthcare, nutrition, and fitness. With an educational and vocational background in the sciences, Darla has spent over a decade providing useful and evidenced-based information to healthcare consumers.


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