Exercises for Neck and Shoulder Pain After 50

Have You Started Experiencing More Neck and Shoulder Pain Lately?

Many of us start to feel aches and pains in these vital areas as we get older. According to data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), neck and shoulder pain are among the most common musculoskeletal conditions experienced by Americans, especially as we get older. 

The aging process and everyday wear and tear can negatively impact our cervical spine, neck, and shoulders, and it can all radiate farther to our upper back and arms, leaving us in pain, tired, and run down with headaches and other issues. 

How to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain

Fortunately, there are several stretching exercises you can do to improve your range of motion, relax, and help prevent or relieve neck pain and shoulder issues you have started to experience. 

We gathered some top exercise ideas from our own Mighty Health Coach Lindsay Tullis and our other resident coaches to share our top stretches for neck and shoulder pain with you. 

Let's get started after doing some deep breathing exercises to help you relax and release stress. 

1. Standing Neck Circles 

Neck circle stretches are simple and classic stretches for neck muscles to help relieve tension and warm up your neck before moving into the next phases of a neck stretches workout. Here, Lindsay guides the Mighty Health Family through this subtle but effective exercise.

In the starting position, let your knees relax with a slight bend and your arms can dangle at your sides. Next, lean your head slightly to one side, then bring your neck down and slowly turn around in a big dramatic circle. Move more slowly as you bring your head up and around the back of your head and spine. 

Remember to do this exercise as slowly as you need to, protecting your spine while ensuring you reach a full range of motion. 

Maintaining good posture, repeat this exercise for 10-15 seconds on the original side, then repeat on the opposite side before returning to the neutral position.

2. Standing Shoulder Shrug Circles 

Standing shoulder shrug circles help to relieve any tension in your trapezius muscles located on either side of your neck. The starting position for this exercise begins with bringing your shoulders all the way up to your ears and neck muscles. Once your shoulders reach your ears, start to squeeze your shoulder blades together before bringing your arms back down into the resting position with your palms facing your hips or thighs.

Remember to inhale as your shoulders come up to your ears and exhale as your shoulders come back to the starting position. The main focus of this exercise is to release tension in your shoulders, so do this exercise for 15-20 seconds. 

3. Standing Lower Back Stretch

Stand straight with your arms straight above your head. Next, slowly bend at your waist, and with control, let your arms move over your head and down to your toes. Let yourself dangle with your head forward and feel a stretch as you let any tension in your back release. 

Remember to inhale as you gently pull your arms back up to a straight standing position, and exhale as you bend forward. Do these stretches for neck and shoulder pain for 15-20 seconds, and finish at a neutral position.

4. Seated Twist

Find a small but sturdy chair for this and the following shoulder and neck stretches. Sit tall with good posture with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and your feet flat on the floor. 

Not only will you feel a stretch doing this exercise, but you will also get the added benefit of working your core and oblique muscles on each side. 

Here are the steps for this stretching exercise: 

  • Twist to your right.

  • Place your left hand on the outside of your right knee.

  • Grasp the back of your chair with your right hand.

  • Let yourself twist and feel a stretch.

  • Notice where the tension is in your lower back and sides, and stay in position until you feel some relief.

  • Hold for 10-15 seconds, focusing on your breathing and releasing tension.

  • Try to twist a little further if you need to and can do so without pain. 

  • Move to the other side, and repeat the exercise. 

5. Seated Chest Stretch

You might wonder how this exercise can help with neck and shoulder pain, but we sometimes carry some slight tension in our chest that can radiate to our neck and shoulders.

The seated chest stretch focuses on relieving the tension in your chest that can contribute to neck pain and issues with your neck muscles. 

Here's how we'll do this exercise for good posture and to relax: 

  • Sit with your arms straight out in front of you with palms facing down. 

  • Bring your arms out to your sides in a wing-like position, and turn your palms facing behind you with your thumbs facing down. 

  • Here, stretch your arms straight out behind you, opening up your chest and letting your head lean back slightly but with control. 

  • You should feel a stretch in your inner bicep and all throughout your chest.

  • Gently pull further back to give your chest and biceps a good stretch. 

  • Remember to take big deep breaths throughout the stretch.

  • You might take a break for a few seconds, relax and return to the starting position before doing the stretch again.

  • Do this exercise for 20 seconds or as long as you need to. 

6. Seated Cat-Cow Stretch 

Sit in your chair with your legs in a wide-open position, and place your hands on your knees, we'll start with the cow stretch:

  • Glide your hands down from your knees and over your shins.

  • Lean your head forward and keep your chin tucked as you gently roll your shoulders forward.

  • Find the peak rolling spot on your back, and hold the position for about five seconds. 

Follow with the cat stretch: 

  • Push the palms of your hands on your knees. 

  • Arch your back, leaning forward while keeping your hands in place. 

  • Squeeze your back muscles, using your hands and knees to push. 

  • Hold this position for five seconds. 

Next, alternate between the two stretches, repeating at your own pace for 15-20 seconds. 

Remember the key is to alternate between extending and stretching your back muscles during cat and cow stretches. 

7. Seated Neck Stretches 

We often hold a lot of tension in our neck muscles, resulting in neck pain and shoulder issues, and this exercise can help us reduce these problems. 

Start in the seating position and do the following: 

  • Take your left hand, and take it over your head, placing your hand on the other side of your head. 

  • Slightly pull to get a baseline stretch.

  • Push down and away and off to the side with your right hand, as if pushing away your dog. 

  • Hold this stretch for 15-20 seconds, focus on your breath, and stay present in the moment. 

  • Find your neutral position, then repeat on the opposite side. 

Join Mighty Health for More Exercise Sessions and Ideas to Soothe Shoulder and Neck Pain

If you love these exercises and want more like them, let us know! Our Mighty Health app and team can help you tailor an at-home exercise program with these and other stretches for neck and shoulder pain or any other areas you want to work on. 

Melissa Cooper

Melissa is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio who knows more than a little about trying to maintain health and fitness in her 50s. Fairly new to the decade, she focuses on good nutrition and consistent, low-impact exercise to stay on track for good health throughout the next decade and beyond. Her goal is to help others find their way to good health at every age.


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