Best Aerobic Exercises for Those Over 50 and Their Health Benefits

When people talk about exercise, two basic types come up: aerobic and strength training. Both are essential for healthy living and aging but are also very different. You can benefit from either type of exercise but get the most out of doing both.

Aerobic workouts and strength training also support each other. One focuses on building muscle, the other enhancing your endurance. 

If you are a senior looking to start a new exercise program, understanding the way the workout challenges your body will help you create goals for your healthy lifestyle. We'll get you started by defining aerobic exercise.

What Is Aerobic Exercise? 

Aerobics, or cardio as some people call it, is a physical exercise that increases the heart rate and oxygen use. Aerobic means with oxygen. 

Generally, aerobic exercise is a rhythmic movement that works the large muscle groups to raise the heart rate and increase oxygen use.  

Aerobic Exercise vs Strength Training

Aerobic exercise improves circulation by using rhythmic movement involving large muscle groups. The increased use of oxygen also burns calories. 

Strength training is just as important as regular cardio workouts, but the goal is somewhat different. Strength or resistance training helps build muscle mass. With more muscle, you increase your metabolic rate and burn more calories during the day. Strength training also helps keep you mobile while improving your flexibility and balance. 

What Are the Health Benefits of Aerobic Exercise? 

Aerobic exercise helps strengthen what is arguably the most important muscle in your body – your heart. The heart is made of muscle tissue that contracts to pump blood. When exercise increases your heart rate, you give that muscle a workout to make it stronger. 

It also has a positive impact on the circulatory system. It can:

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Reduce bad cholesterol

  • Increase levels of good cholesterol

  • Regulate blood sugar

The benefits of cardio go beyond the circulatory system, though. Physical therapists have a saying, “Motion is lotion.” This means that cardio movement can help reduce chronic pain, such as in the back. The more you move, the stronger the tissue that supports joints gets, and that helps reduce stiffness and pain. 

Aerobic exercise can also help you lose weight by burning calories. Weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you eat. That forces the body to break into its emergency reserves (fat) for fuel. The more calories you burn, the more weight you can lose.

Cardiovascular exercise can also help you maintain your weight and stop you from gaining. Eating more calories than your body burns allows it to save those extras for a rainy day by converting them to fat. 

Best Types of Aerobic Exercise for Seniors

Cardio exercise is just as important as you grow older as it was when you were young. What kinds of aerobics exercises work best for seniors? 

The first step should be to talk to your doctor to ensure you are healthy enough for aerobic exercise. Once you get the okay, you can do just about any type based on your range of motion and activity level. 

Here are some examples of cardio exercises popular among seniors.

Water Aerobics

Exercising in a pool is one of the best ways to incorporate not only aerobic exercise, but also full body strength training! It’s an amazing low impact option because water helps support your joints while you move. It also provides resistance that increases your heart rate even if you are not moving fast!

Studies show that water aerobics is one of the best ways to exercise for fall prevention. It improves gait, balance, leg strength, and flexibility. The same study proved water aerobics to be extremely efficient for weight loss in older adults. Get your heart pumping in a pool with gentle water aerobics exercises, walking in a pool, or swimming laps!

Chair Cardio

You can burn calories and improve heart health all while sitting in a chair! If you have mobility or balance issues, you can do some fun cardio while in your chair. It’s also a great option for beginners or those managing injury or chronic illness.

Try this chair cardio class to get your blood pumping! Chair exercises are another great way to also incorporate strength training and aerobics for an efficient and fun full body workout.

Dance Cardio / Step Aerobics

A fun way to get your heart rate up is through dancing! Using the natural rhythm of music, dance aerobics and step aerobics get you moving and energized. It also helps promote balance, enforce memory through pattern repetition, and improves cardiovascular endurance.

There are so many different types of dance cardio, including:

  • Zumba

  • Salsa

  • Ballroom

  • Line dancing


Walking is one of the best tools for longevity! It is great for those over 50 because it is cost effective and extremely beneficial for health. It boost cardiovascular health, burns fat, and may increase cognitive function. Walking can also help you stay independent and mobile for longer.

The goal is to walk at a pace that increases your heart rate. If you are not used to exercise, that might not be very fast, but as you get stronger, you increase your pace. You can walk inside on a treadmill, outside around your neighborhood, or try a local outdoor trail to get some fresh air!

Walking can also be a great excuse to see friends and family! Try catching up with loved ones while on a walk for both a a social and health benefit.


Bike riding is a low-impact exercise that you can enjoy throughout your life. You can ride the old-fashioned way using a two or three-wheeler and the local bike trail. You can also use a stationary bike at home or the local spin class. 

Find Aerobic Workouts at Mighty Health

Let Mighty Health help you find the right aerobic exercise routine for your needs. Find out more by visiting our website today! You can match with your very own health coach to help you with all your individual exercise goals. We also offer nutrition guidance, live events, lessons on health, guided meditation, recipes, and so much more all geared towards those 50 and beyond! 

Darla Ferrara

Darla Ferrara is a full-time freelance writer and author who specializes in healthcare, nutrition, and fitness. With an educational and vocational background in the sciences, Darla has spent over a decade providing useful and evidenced-based information to healthcare consumers.


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