Weight Loss Exercises While Sitting Down - 20 Minute Chair Workout

Chair exercises allow seniors who have trouble with mobility or those who are new to strength training a way to get in a workout. They provide all the benefits you get with traditional exercise, but from a seated position. That makes them an ideal choice for someone who has difficulty moving around or with balance. 

The key to choosing your exercise plan is to focus on what you hope to achieve with it. If you want to lose weight, you can do exercises from a chair that will get your heart rate up and burn calories. Here are some of our favorite chair exercises for weight loss. It takes just 20 minutes. 

What You Need for this Workout? 

This series of exercises will work your upper and lower body along with your core. You’ll want a couple of weights; however, if you are more comfortable working without weights, that’s fine. Just do the exercises as described but without the weights. 

You’ll also want a sturdy chair. Look for one with a straight back, and, preferably  no wheels. 

There are three sets, each with three exercises. You’ll do active rest between each set, meaning you take a minute to rest, more if needed but continue with a slight movement to keep your heart rate high. 

You’ll do ten reps of most exercises. The ones that work on each side individually will require 20 total reps. 

Chair Exercises - First Set 

This first set has three exercises. Focus on form for each movement, and make sure to breathe. 

Bicep Curls

For this exercise, you should grab your weights. Remember, if you prefer not to use weights, just ball up your fists or use two cans of food instead. 

Hold your weights to your sides near the outside of your thighs. Your elbows should be pinned to your sides. Pull the weights up towards your shoulders as you bend your elbows. Your feet should be flat on the floor.

Pull the weights all the way up and then lower them. Keep your movements controlled. Engage your core to keep your torso from rocking, and keep your elbows glued to your sides. This helps isolate the bicep muscle. 

Seated Bicycles

Hold the weights up by your ears. Your elbows are bent, and your palms are holding the weights facing forward. 

Pull one knee up toward your body, and at the same time, lower the opposite elbow as you try to touch it to the raised knee. Squeeze your core to protect your lower back.

You’ll do 20 reps of this exercise, ten on each side. 

Lateral Raises

Hold your weights at your sides near your thighs. Raise your arms until they are straight. The weight is at the same height as your collarbone, then lower them. 

Again, this should be a controlled movement. Squeeze your core to isolate the muscles. 

Active Rest Half - Half Jacks

Put one leg out to the side. At the same time, raise that area over your head. Do this for at least one minute. 

Chair Exercises - Second Set

The second set has three exercises, and don’t forget to breathe!

Upright Rows

Hold the weights on top of your thighs. Pull your arms up, bending your elbows to the side until straight. The weight should end up at the top of your chest. 

Inhale as you come down and exhale as you move the weights up. Make sure to keep your back straight. 

Weighted Crunches

Put your feet flat on the ground. Pull the weights up in front of your chest. They should be pressed together sideways so the end of them is near your chin. 

Bend forward to do a crunch, rounding your back as you lower your torso toward your knees.

Pull back up to return to start.  

If you are struggling with balance as you lean forward, try raising your feet on your toes for added stability. 

Triceps Kickbacks

Turn to one side with both weights held close to your chest. Lean slightly forward. Push the leg facing outward back a bit. Push the other one forward slightly to help balance your body. 

Drop the weight facing outward down and extend it back. Your arm straightens as you push it back. Bend your elbow and pull the weight back to your side. 

Be mindful of how your elbow and shoulder joints feel during this movement. It can put a strain on them. If necessary, adjust so you don’t fully extend your arm. 

Turn around to repeat the exercise on the other arm. 

Active Half-Jacks

Do another one minute of half-jacks for a rest. 

Chair Exercises - Third Set

The third set is also three exercises. Make sure your form is correct. 

Shoulder Press

Bend your elbows and raise your arms until the weights are level with your ears. Your palms should be facing forward, and your feet should be pressed into the ground. 

Press your arms up until straight, and then lower them. Try to keep the weights in front of your shoulders and avoid leaning back. 

Scissor Kicks

Place the weights in the crease of your hips on top of your legs. Lean back in your chair, engage your core, and extend your legs out. Cross one foot over the other, then reverse to do a scissor kick. You’ll do 30 seconds of scissor kicks. 

Hammer Curl

Hold the weights at your side with the top facing outward. Keep your grip neutral; don’t squeeze the weights too tight. 

Raise the weights as you bend your arms. Lower them to start once they touch the top of your arms. Pay attention to your form here. Make sure to keep your back straight and your core tight. 

More Low Impact Exercises You Can Do at Home

Visit the Mighty Health website to find more free exercise routines! Mighty Health provides fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle information to those 50 and older. 

Darla Ferrara

Darla Ferrara is a full-time freelance writer and author who specializes in healthcare, nutrition, and fitness. With an educational and vocational background in the sciences, Darla has spent over a decade providing useful and evidenced-based information to healthcare consumers.


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