How to make a healthy BBQ Spread | Recipe Redo

Welcome to another episode of Recipe Redo! Today we're going to take classic BBQ recipes and we're going to make it a little bit more Mighty friendly.

Here are the links to the recipes covered today:

Oven-Baked Chicken Wings:
Sugar-free BBQ Sauce:
Healthy Potato Salad:

Coach Lindsay: Welcome to another Recipe Redo, I'm Coach Lindsay (of course, many of you know me!) and I'm excited for you guys to witness this healthier recipe that we're gonna be doing for chicken wings, some sauces, and we're gonna throw in a potato salad. This is obviously very summer themed as we're getting into the rest of our summer so hopefully you guys will be able to utilize this recipe moving forward.

Coach Lindsay: But just some of the basics, feel free to turn your camera on if you want to, mute is at the bottom, so mute yourself during the event. And then I'll be kind of going through some nutritional things throughout the process, as well as popping in recipes into the chat. So be sure you're checking that chat, so you can copy the recipes if you want them (linked above). And then of course, we have Mary here, she's going to be doing a lot of the cooking. So she's obviously the star of the show today. Without further ado, I'm just going to hand it off to Mary to get started.

Chef Mary: Sounds great. Thanks, Lindsay. Hi, everybody! Welcome to our Recipe Redo Friday! We need a jingle for that — I'm going to work on that before next time. I bet some of you had a barbecue last weekend, being the holiday weekend that it was, and thought “Well, I might have been able to do a little healthier on that.” So I'm going to give you a great way to do a healthier version of some of our barbecue favorites. The first one is going to be some party wings, chicken wings, that we oven bake instead of fry and use non-gluten, use almond flour. And then we're going to move on to some sauces for those because a lot of the sauces we traditionally use aren't the most healthy for us. So I have a couple of great options with a ranch and a barbecue sauce. And finally, we're going to make a potato salad. It's more of a French potato salad, using olive oil, some Dijon, capers, all that good stuff. But it's just a little bit lighter, healthier. And you're going to love it too. I sampled these yesterday. And we were just going to do one of the sauces with the one we liked better, but we couldn't choose. So you guys get both today.

Chef Mary: We better get started. The first thing to do would be to start with our chicken — we need to pop that in the oven and bake for 45 minutes. Don't worry, we've already pre baked ours but I want to show you this great way to do it. You put your four, four teaspoons of butter on a little tray lined with foil. I have kind of a small one today because the recipe calls for two and a half pounds of chicken. And I used just a little bit over a pound for this recipe. So I'm gonna pop this into my oven. I preheated it to 425°F. Actually, I'm using convection, so I did 400°F. But we're gonna melt this butter in the pan and make some sauces. So here we go, popping it in, it's gonna get nice and bubbly.

Coach Lindsay: Yes, this is a much better option obviously than frying and oils. That's why we're using the butter. And feel free — I know we are always looking for modifications for plant based and all that stuff. So they do make plant based butter so feel free to use that if you're on that side of things.

Chef Mary: Moving on to the the first sauce. This is a barbecue, I'm using a unsweetened ketchup. It's made by Primal, I believe Lindsay you said there are some other options with some less sugar options for ketchup. Okay, so I'm going to do my half cup of ketchup. And then to that, I'm going to add some apple cider vinegar, some spices, [and] this is a little bit of garlic powder, and some salt. So those are my kind of dry spices. And then for a little bit of kick — this is kind of fun — I bought a Chipotle. It's like a Chipotle Ancho, so it gives a little spice but it's more smoky than, say a traditional chili powder that you'd use in a chili. And then to that I add some Worcestershire. And then there's a kind of a fun ingredient we're going to add — it's a liquid smoke. This one I got is hickory and this really just adds some great seasoning to the recipe. You can do up to a half of a tablespoon and you might want to just decide how much you want to use based on your preference for that smoky flavor. So I'm gonna go about that way much.

Chef Mary: Now, the last thing in the recipe is that we use some type of a brown sugar swerve. We weren't real big fans of that, but we found some just easier maple syrup did the trick for seasoning as well. So I'm just going to strip those ingredients. And to that you just add the maple syrup to taste. Maybe I should have gone larger on my bowl here, but go big or go home, right? Okay, so I'm going to add a little bit of maple syrup, that's about a teaspoon or so. Now, these flavors really come together if you just let them develop over a short amount of time. So that's going to be our barbecue.

Chef Mary: And then we're going to do another sauce. So this one's fine, you can get your aggression out. And you can just find a jar like a wide mouth jar with a good lid or one that you can hold on easily. And to that you're going to add your ingredients. We're going to add some Greek yogurt — this is a low fat. Lindsay, I used a whole milk Greek yogurt when I was doing this recipe yesterday, do you favor one over the other?

Coach Lindsay: I think it doesn't really matter as long as it's not flavored in terms of sugar. I mean, we're always a big advocate for the healthy fats that come from whole milk yogurt, but you can use either one, it doesn't really matter.

Chef Mary: Great. Okay, to that I'm going to add a little bit of Dijon and then some seasoning. I've used all dried ingredients. This is dried chives and parsley. Those are going in and then I have some seasoned seasonings here too. This is some garlic powder, some onion powder, a little bit of salt. Actually, I'm gonna add my salt separate, here we go. There's about a teaspoon there. Now that's pretty good in there like that. And then I also have some buttermilk. This really makes this recipe creamy and flavorful. You need about a quarter of a cup. I'm gonna put part of it in because you can always add more but you want it to get to your desired consistency. I don't know if you want to see this whole thing in action here, but you're gonna lift it all up, lid it, make sure you hold the top well and give it a little shake. Cha cha cha! You can add a little dance and it makes a great ranch dressing. And you get all of your aggression out!

Chef Mary: Okay, let's see. All right, you guys might want to see the beauty of this. I need a little more shake. Hold that thought, I actually think I need a little bit more buttermilk too. Add the rest of that. It's thick. Now, remember, you're going to be dipping your wings in this in the end, so you want to have it kind of like enough to hold for that. Okay, here's my ranch. Doesn't that look beautiful? To add some great consistency and flavor, we're gonna squeeze the juice of one half of one lemon into this yummy concoction. That's going to really make this ranch dressing great. Stir that in and voilà! My two sauces are done.

Chef Mary: I'm gonna go check on my butter. I think it might be ready for my wings. Oh yeah, it's perfect. It's a little bit brown. I'm gonna set it right there to cool while I get my chicken wings ready to go on that pan. So for that I have a little bowl here. And to that I'm going to add some almond flour. This is the base for our recipe. That goes in and then we're going to add a little bit of onion powder and garlic powder — great seasoning. Some paprika, about a tablespoon, kind of a generous amount. And this one's optional. This is some cayenne pepper, if you like a little bit of kick, great. If you prefer a milder wing, maybe omit this or just add part of it. We're gonna go big there too. Now I can add a little bit of pepper. And I already had the salt in there. So to this I'm just going to mix it up a tad. Use a fork for this job. That way you can break down some of the almond flour. Now my chicken is gonna go take a bath in there. Lindsay, you might want to talk about how I'm this as an option to frying — breading and oven baking while I take the plunge.

Coach Lindsay: Yes, so as you can tell Mary's just using normal regular chicken wings — you can get big bags of them at like Sam's Club or Costco you can get skinless or you can get them with the skin. Honestly, it doesn't really matter because you're not frying them. And then with this breading part, Mary's using almond flour which if you've been with us for a while (with recipe redo and all of the things we know), almond flour is obviously a much better lower carb alternative to actual breading. But you can also use parmesan, which is an interesting twist too. So if you want to avoid even using a flour you can do the same exact recipe, but with parmesan cheese. And then obviously, we're baking it instead of frying it in oil, so a much better alternative there. And we're just getting a lot of the good spices in for flavor rather than a lot of the additives and artificial stuff that's in like Buffalo Wild Wings and bagged wings at the store. So yeah, much better. And from what I've heard they taste a lot better. I haven't tried it yet, but everybody taste tested except for me!

Chef Mary: I wish you all were here. Yes. Okay, so I'm I'm almost done tossing this. Again, I'm doing just a little over a pound of this chicken. I know the recipe calls for a couple pounds. But just as you can see, it's easy to just do a small batch or you can feed a crowd with this recipe.

Coach Lindsay: Yeah, and you can also, now Mary's baking this, but obviously we're doing this as a summer recipe so you can throw these on the grill too. You just have to make sure you're comfortable with grilling chicken. I know that makes me a little nervous because I was want to make sure it's cooked thoroughly! But if you're comfortable with grilling chicken, this is going to be an amazing thing to throw on the grill too.

Chef Mary: Yeah, that's a great idea. I didn't think of that. The one thing I do love about doing this in the oven is this foil line tray I have with that melted butter. It just really bakes it nice and crisp and gets it so flavorful. Okay, I think they're all on there. I might even — let’s see maybe if I slide this over [it will show] a better overall picture of what I'm doing here. And I'm gonna even sprinkle — no seasoning ever goes wasted in my kitchen.

Coach Lindsay: You can’t do it. Yeah you have to use every little drop.

Chef Mary: That would be breaking code for sure! Okay, now this is hot since I — oh well, not even that hot. But I'm gonna pop these in. They're gonna go in for 45 minutes. And after about 30 minutes, I'm going to flip them and we'll be ready to go on to our next recipe. So here we go!

Chef Mary: Now we're gonna move on to the potato salad because our chickens baking, our sauces are made and we're ready to make a potato salad. So, who thought we can make four recipes in five minutes flat? Here we go! I'm gonna slide in these friends and my blender because we are gonna blend something up today. There we go. So here we go with another round of fun. Okay, so these are my these are all the players in this little potato salad recipe. Earlier, I boiled some small potatoes and I cut them in half. So that would be done. I have those just simmering on my stove and they will be ready to go. Super important to make sure your potatoes are hot once you have your dressing ready to pour on them. So let's see.

Chef Mary: The first part of this is just going to be putting some of my ingredients, let me tell you what they are. We've got some three quarters of a cup of some Greek yogurt. You saw this earlier in our ranch dressing. And then these are just kind of some rough cut herbs. I have a couple of green onions that are rough cut because they're dropping in the blender and about a one and a half garlic cloves. I also have some white vinegar, some olive oil, some capers. Actually the capers I'm gonna put in later because I don't want those chopped up. This is the stuff that's really gonna become liquid. I'll move that off to the side too. And then also some dijon — now this dijon gives a great flavor. And then this is an herb I don't know how many of you use this in your kitchen but some celery salt. This really adds great flavor. We have the celery salt here combined with a little bit of regular salt. We're going to put all of this in our blender. So you could also use a food processor for this action. So we will start with the yogurt. I like to go big to small.

Coach Lindsay: Yeah, you'll notice there's no mayo in this recipe. So know why we're using the Greek yogurt.

Chef Mary: Yeah. And the olive oil, right?

Coach Lindsay: Yep!

Chef Mary: So this is just I think this is three tablespoons on the olive oil. From there, we're gonna go with the spice, we've got two tablespoons of our white vinegar. And then the celery salt and regular salt seasoning. We've got some dijon, couple teaspoons, and our rough cut veggies and seasonings. There we go. And from there, we're going to add our little lid on there. With that out of the way, and just start pulsing. All right, you guys have a good view of this. You're gonna want to watch. Here we go. There's a better view!

Chef Mary: I'm going to turn it on. And then I have a pulse setting. I like to start out that way, it gets everything kind of blended roughly. And from there, I can just dial in the major blending part.

Chef Mary: Now partway through you're going to want to go back in and scrape down the sides and then repulse. I'm going to do that right now.

Coach Lindsay: Don’t forget to turn it off Mary!

Chef Mary: Safety first! All right, I'm gonna scrape this down a little bit. Oh, it smells so good — wish you were here! I'm telling you I had I did a trial run last night of this and it was a favorite in my house. I will pulse a little bit more. Blend a little bit more. And I think it’s all ready almost. Yeah, doesn't take long.

Chef Mary: So let me show you what we got. It's very creamy, good flavor. And I'm just gonna leave that in there. Because I'm going to add it I'm going to pour this on my potatoes with my other ingredients. We've got the dressing we just made. And just a few other things some chopped up egg (I hard boiled my three eggs and chopped them up), a couple stalks of celery and then also some capers. We're going to put all of that in to our bowl. Let's see. I got that good into that. I might need some oven mitts for my warm potatoes. Hot Potato!

Coach Lindsay: Yum, it looks super good and instead of, if you don't want to use regular potatoes, you can also use sweet potatoes or cauliflower even. So steaming up some cauliflower for like a lower carb option as well. So there's some different things you can use for it for the salad.

Chef Mary: That cauliflower is a major player these days!

Coach Lindsay: Yeah it is or even like Jícama or some of those starchier veggies in place of potatoes you can always use!

Chef Mary: Wow great advice, thanks Linds! Okay, so here we go. I got my hot potatoes and this is where the fun starts. Well it's been fun all along, but we add some chopped egg, some celery and last but not least, the capers. Oh wait there's more. We're gonna put all this yummy goodness — the recipe says to just use about three quarters of the dressing that we made. This would be a great salad dressing I decided last night too. And because it's gonna absorb into the potato, that's the reason why our potatoes are hot. So that this will absorb. It's gonna look like a little runny at first, but you will soon find that it just kind of works its way in.

Coach Lindsay: Oh my goodness, that looks so good.

Chef Mary: Doesn’t that look yummy?

Coach Lindsay: It's amazing how you can create something without — I mean, you know, when you look at potato salad really, most of it's pretty good except for the mayo right? And like some of the other parts of it like the heavier condiments. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but a lot of mayos have high fructose corn syrup in it, which is absolutely gross. So making, like, just the same thing out of yogurt is such an amazing alternative. So much better for you.

Chef Mary: And to be honest, I did not feel like I was missing a beat. When using these other ingredients, it was just as delicious. So I'm gonna go ahead and pour this into a more of a servable bowl. It really turned out well. We use the tri colored potatoes. I don't know if that makes a difference nutrition wise. But it sure makes it look pretty.

Coach Lindsay: Yeah. Gives us some more color, we love colorful foods!

Chef Mary: Yeah. Okay, so I can obviously we have more time on the chicken in the oven. But I have one already made so I can kind of just show you the whole spread. You want to peek at the oven, I can show you what it looks like when I go to flip it, that might be kind of fun to do. And then I'll show you the whole thing. How about that?

Chef Mary: Let's see. So this is this is what it looks like partway through. And then you're just going to take it, halfway through your cooking, and flip all these little guys over. See how it just getting such a great flavor and coating. Yeah, like I said, we're only partway through but and then from there, you just pop it back in the oven for the rest of the time. And then say Abracadabra! And this is what it's gonna look like.

Coach Lindsay: It’s like magic! Oh, man, those look super good.

Chef Mary: These are all cooked, seasoned and ready to go and they're delicious. So I'm going to pull in my sauces. I might give this one a little stir.

Coach Lindsay: If you're somebody who's a vegetarian also, you can do this with tofu. So just an interesting thing, if you're not eating meat protein instead of chicken wings. You can do tofu. And you can do cauliflower obviously. I know a lot of wing places do cauliflower wings and nutritional yeast. So those are some options for you. Same recipe just replace the chicken.

Chef Mary: Great ideas. Even sweet potato right?

Coach Lindsay: Yeah! That too.

Chef Mary: Okay, so here we've got our tangy barbecue. It's really smoky. We've got our ranch. I don't know which one we want to use to dip.

Coach Lindsay: Let's try the barbecue. Tell us what you think!

Chef Mary: I well. Well, I'm cheating because I got to have the goodness a little bit yesterday too. But there we go.

Coach Lindsay: Those look just like regular wings. But they're not fried, not breaded.

Chef Mary: You’d never know it’s oven baked.

Coach Lindsay: Yeah, give us all the vibes Mary.

Chef Mary: So much flavor. The almond flour, I love. It really coats it well. And there's so much flavor in this barbecue. I would never know I was giving up like a sweet, overly done barbecue sauce. But I do need a napkin.

Coach Lindsay: That's awesome. I'm so glad that they're good. And honestly to really you know, kind of summarize the comparison. The differences here — you're not having the high amount of carbs from the breading, you're not having the frying and not from the oil. You're using a lot of spices to bring that flavor in. Sugar free sauces, you know without all the preservatives as well. And then obviously the potato salad without the mayo and some substitutions you can do there, so this is definitely a much healthier version of some barbecue food that you can bring in to your labor day weekend, which is probably the next grilling holiday. Not that we have to have a holiday to grill, right?

Chef Mary: I know! I need you all to come over now and have a little barbecue with me.

Coach Lindsay: Oh this is awesome. Oh so good. Yeah, so two things I wanted to mention too: Michael had asked if there are like truly plant based butters and yes, Country Crock makes a plant based butter. So look for that in your store. I know there's some other brands but that's the one that has jumped out to me at the store. And then is olive oil-based Mayo a good option? Yes and no. So olive oil or avocado oil based mayos are going to be better for you, but they're still going to have a lot of the additives that normal Mayo has just without the high fructose corn syrup. So they're a good middleman if store-bought is the only option. But stay away from Miracle Whip! Miracle Whip has super high amounts of high fructose corn syrup. Traditional mayonnaise is a little bit better but if you can homemake your stuff like Mary has, that's obviously the best option!

Coach Lindsay: Well thank you for putting on an amazing show Mary and showing us all of these amazing foods to make! I popped in the recipes but will also pop them into the communities and Facebook pages (they are linked above). So you guys can copy paste them but they're also on the recipe website so you can search for them as well. But yeah, thank you guys for joining us for another recipe redo and if you guys have ideas for the next recipe redo of things for us to make, let us know!

Chef Mary: Yay, we did it!

Coach Lindsay: Awesome, thanks so much Mary!

Chef Mary: And have a great weekend, everybody!

Coach Lindsay: Yes, everybody. Have a great weekend as well. Enjoy the rest of your day and stay cool if it's hot where you are!

Chef Mary: Thank you!

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